maandag 5 maart 2018

The Model

Kraftwerk - The Model (1978)



9 opmerkingen:

  1. Now there are people who have told me that if I go to heaven, they'd rather go to hell..
    Well, thanks to JESUS, I'm going to heaven, so have a lot of fun in hell if you're not prepared to believe that JESUS loves me and that He has saved me.

  2. Answer me this, Atheist:

    If atheism is not religion, why are you practicing it?

  3. I was an atheist back then but I never forget these words about CHRIST: Christ he told his mother
    Christ he told her not to bother...

    God-the Lord JESUS uses ANYTHING in order to draw sinners closer to Him and I was (am, bus SAVED) one of them!


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